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Water Bug

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Nepomorpha is an infraorder of insects in the "true bug" order (Hemiptera). They belong to the "typical" bugs of the suborder Heteroptera. Due to their aquatic habits, these animals are known as true water bugs. They occur all over the world outside the polar regions, with about 2,000 species altogether. The Nepomorpha can be distinguisted from related Heteroptera by their missing or vestigial ocelli. Also, as referred to by the obsolete name Cryptocerata ("the hidden-horned ones"), their antennae are reduced, with weak muscles, and usually carried tucked against the head.

 Water Bug
 Water Bug
 Water Bug
Water Bug


  1. What are those red things on the bug in the first picture?

  2. That top one's pretty gross... What's up with its back?

  3. That is one hideous bug, and learning what the things on its back are makes it even more disgusting. I would spray the hell out of it if it came into my house.



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